- 35mm x 35mm white background photographs - 10 copy
- School leaving certificate / for renewal old passport
- ration card / Bank passbook
- Light bill / House Rent Slip / Telephone Bill
3 Year old: (200, 200 and 200)
- Election card / Driving Licence / Pancard
- Marriage Certificate / affidavit ( Group Photo of Husband & Wife )
- affidavit or xerox of Husband's passport
- IF you have government job then N.O.C / Private job latter
- Standard 10+12+F.Y+S.Y+T.Y Dergee certificate marksheet
- Talati's Documents / Corporate Certificate
- Income Tax Return / form No-16+Pancard
- For minor child ( under 18 years )
- Birth Certificate
- Bonofite Certificate
- Minor affidavit of 20 rs stamps
- Passport xerox+marksheet+certificate of parents